Code runs almost everything we do, so why not start learning to code with Codecademy ?

A lthough some great programmers are making things easy for those who cannot code, understanding code will undoubtfully take you far (at least professionally).

If you think about it, almost everything we do today is run by code. Considering how important it is and how few people there are that really know the coding languages, not knowing how to code it is the analphabetism of the 20 th century. In any case, learning how to code is a great way to diversify your skills. And, by the way, you’re never to old to learn !

Codecademy Fact Sheet

Courses type Coding
Subjects HTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, Ruby and APIs
# of courses - 7 programming language (HTML & CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Python, Ruby)
• over 100 courses with 5-20 exercises each
• additional consolidation exercises
• “learn to use popular API” courses
Student level Beginners
Demography All profiles & ages starting of 12-13
Cost: Free
Certification None

What value does Codecademy offer?

Codecademy specializes in teaching programming languages for beginners. It’s a nice learning platform to learn coding as it’s free and your learning curve is pretty steep, at least at the very beginning. Great to demystify the world of coding!

On the other hand, you cannot expect to reach an advanced level where you will be able to code perfectly. But you’ll get the skills to read and write basic code as well as improve your communication with programmers and software engineers.

If you’re goal is to become an expert coder, then use additional coding ressources to take you to the next levels. (more ressources next stuff).

Codecademy review
  • Ease of use
  • Content quality
  • Completness of features
  • Feedback and interaction
  • Learning experience
  • Price/ time
User Review
0 ( 0 votes)
Ease of use • Simple and clean design.
• Easy and intuitive to use
• Good pace and learning flow
Content quality • Great structure and content
• Nice short introductions to new concepts you are about to apply
Completeness of features • Great features
• Could benefit by adding short introductory and explanation videos to conceptualize better.
• Would be great if Codeacademy had a specific section where users can save and visualize personal projects using Codeacademy’s user interface.
Feedback and interaction • A good forum that has most answers you are looking for, but has some unanswered questions.
• More intuitive feedback when you do mistakes. E.g.: If a semicolon is missing, would be great if error message is “semicolon missing” instead of “Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression”.
Learning experience • Good place to start learning code
• Hands-on learning experience- you learn by doing
• You build upon each skill you have previously acquired
• I had problems translating what I learned into real-world usage. I could read code, but had more problems writing it myself. I think the platform could benefit from additional hands-on exercises for a fully optimized learning experience
• Something is missing. You feel proud for finishing the courses, but you feel like you haven't learned as much as you wanted...
Price • You pay nothing for a great beginner’s course, so nothing to say about that…

Favorite feature

Codecademy’s user interface(console) is amazing as it allows you to visualize your code in real time while you type it. After I finished Codecademys HTML & CSS course, I actually come back just to use their interface to visualize my personal code.

Codeacademy review

To get the most out of Codecademy :

    1. If you learn with a specific goal in mind, you’ll  learn a lot faster. To get the most of Codecademy, you should have a project, application or website you want to create or replicate.
    2. If you’re told that your code is wrong, and you can’t figure out why, just skip that exercise.
    3. Codecademy’s console is great to visualize code in real-time. Although there is no section reserved for your personal projects, you can just use the console in the exercise section.